Temperature Converter

This conversion tool will convert a temperature value from and to degree Celsius, degree Fahrenheit, Kelvin or degree Rankine measurement units.

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Temperature Converter Tool

This conversion tool will convert a temperature value from and to degree Celsius, degree Fahrenheit, Kelvin or degree Rankine measurement units.

This tool will also display a conversion scale applicable to each converted temperature.

The lowest possible temperature is zero Kelvin (0 K), -273.15 °C, -459.67 °F, or 0 °R and this is called absolute zero. Despite this you can still use this tool to convert negative values in Kelvin units.

  1. Enter the temperature reading you would like to convert in the upper input box.
  2. Select the corresponding units from the upper shortcut buttons or pull down options.
  3. Select the temperature units from the lower shortcut buttons or pull down options.
  4. The converted temperature will display in the lower answer box.