Convert text to ASCII code with this online ASCII code converter. Simply paste your text and click the convert button to get the ASCII code in seconds

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Text To ASCII converter tool

There are many reasons to convert text into ASCII format, as ASCII codes are in use since the 1960s and 70s and are developing over time. In computer applications and software programs, all the text, values, characters, program codes, and instructions are stored as ASCII values.

The data stored as ASCII values can be easily interpreted by computers and other smart devices. And it is not easy for humans to remember the exact representation of a character or letter in ASCII.

For instance, a single word “hello” is translated in ASCII as “104 101 108 108 111”, which isn’t easy for anyone to remember. Instead of wasting time in finding the exact value of each character, you can convert text to ASCII format using an ASCII code converter and get accurate ASCII values for any kind of text.

Converting text into ASCII format also make it easy to transfer ASCII files between the computers without requiring special commands. But while transferring binary data, you'll need to execute the "set binary" command in order to execute the process efficiently.